So I made a post on Facebook today about how I wanted to give my 18 year old away because she is being lazy, whine and a brat. The comments on the page were suggestions. Then my cousin posted: "REALLY CRYSTAL!?!?!" Now I must say this pissed me off. I just wrote back REALLY ***** (name withheld to protect the stupid) What I really wanted to right was:
Really *****. I don't want her to end up like you. I don't want her to be a sponge on the world. I don't want her to take from people and never give anything to society. I want her to see that she is an adult now and everyone isn't going to do everything for her. I want her to stop using what happened to her as a crutch like your stupid @ss does and be something in this world. I want her to stop living in a world of make believe and understand that she needs to make real choices. I don't want her to be anything like you. A DRUNK AND A DRUG ADDICT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't want her to have children and then walk away from them because being a drunk and a drug addict is more important. I want her to be the best that she can be. That I know she can be. So yes REALLY!!!!!
That is what I wanted to write. But I didn't. Because I don't want to hurt my family or start a fight with her online.